White Pine Wellness is a Holistic Education center where we offer monthly workshops and trainings.

Special Events are open to the public and a way for us to bring together community, upliftment, education and healing in a safe container. Join us!

New Moon Lunar Lounge

New Moon Lunar Lounge

New Moon Lunar Lounge with Sarah and Ash

The Lunar Lounge was created with the intention to join community together as a chance to relax, drink some tea, have thoughtful discussions and experience a mini sound healing experience.
In a time where there is a lot of tension in the air, uncertainty, personal stressors and more, we’d like to create an environment where it can be healing and joyful!

Instead of heading off to a bar, club or other event full of substances that numb us out, lets come together in a sober environment with a nurturing tea!

Donation based and sliding scale only! $15-$35.

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Sound Journey with Reiki

Sound Journey with Reiki

Join us for a very special evening where
Sound and Reiki Energy will relax the mind, heal the body and soften the soul underneath the Full Moon.

Sarah and Ashleigh will incorporate 8-15 crystal singing bowls, percussive instruments, guitar, voice and wind chimes to create a Sound Journey that will send you into a deep restful state while you journey to sacred places.

Additionally, they will also go around the room to provide individual Reiki sessions (with permission) to those that need some extra support.

Come join us for an evening being deeply held by sacred sounds and healing vibrations.

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Transformational Breathwork

Transformational Breathwork

Special 2 hour Breathwork, Meditation & Kirtan led by

Kelly Doyle and Sarah Daigle.

Come for a unique, one-day workshop that can improve and uplift your entire psyche. Kelly and Sarah will explain how, through transformational breathwork, one's fears and suppressed emotions can be released, leaving us with a greater feeling of peacefulness than when we started. They will then guide the group throughout the breathing portion, and remain present if anyone needs individual assistance. This process can be repeated over time in order to enter into a greater feeling of centered awareness and joy.

Transformational breath work helps to remove old belief systems and patterns that are trapped in our subconscious. It allows old feelings that are under the surface to come up so we can better handle them in a safe and supported environment. In return, this allows us to live a more present and joyous life journey.

further Benefits include:

• Increased physical well-being

• Increases oxygenation throughout the body

• Improves energy levels

• Stimulates circulation

• Balances the flow of energy through the body

• Resolves addictions

• Improves well-being for many conditions and ailments such as Stress Reduction, Respiratory ailments, Headaches, Low energy, Psychosomatic illnesses, Anaerobic diseases, and many others.

Cost $40

Kelly Doyle, MA, LCMHC

Kelly is a Licensed, Certified Mental Health Counselor, Transformational Breathwork facilitator, Sound and Meditation teacher, Releasement therapist, and Shaman practitioner.

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Sound Journey w/ Special Guest Peter Bragino

Sound Journey w/ Special Guest Peter Bragino

I got the honor of playing by Peter Bragino’s side during a long ceremony so much so that I asked him to bless our community with his presence! Peter is from Long Island and is an incredible artist as well as musician.
He brings in a beautiful style to his sound healings incorporating hand pan, didge, and singing beautiful songs with his guitar. I will be accompanying him with crystal bowls, chimes, guitar and vocal harmonies.

I do hope you join us for this super special Sound Journey where we will bring you through such a relaxing and beautiful experience.

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Thai Massage Workshop: For Everyone!

Thai Massage Workshop: For Everyone!

*This date is being rescheduled*

Traditional Thai Massage has been around for thousands of years in Thailand and it plays an important role in their culture. Each family is said to have at least one thai massage practitioner in it and they all have been worked on since babies.

They don’t consider it a “special treatment” because it is regular body maintenance and a way they are able to take care of each other.

What the class includes:
I’d like to offer this fun workshop to give simple yet powerful massage techniques that won’t kill your hands. I will teach you proper pressure and body mechanics. You will also learn stretches and massage techniques for common tense spots such as feet, lower back, shoulder blade, neck and jaw pain that you can do anywhere- on a chair, bed or floor!

It’s such a beautiful thing to be able to learn a skill that can be used on yourself and loved ones- young, old, thriving and dying.

Join us!

$135 a person (we can give you a partner when you come!)
$240 for a pair! (that’s $30 off!)

Sarah Daigle is a Thai Massage bodyworker and teacher of 15 years. She has been offering workshops to the public and private classes for couples so everyone can be empowered to do massage on each other. Sarah believes that there is nothing more healing than touch itself!

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30 day SPRING Cleanse

30 day SPRING Cleanse

30 day Spring Cleanse for the Body, Mind and Spirit!

The Winter time is a hard season for all of us. We have back to back stressful holidays followed by sun-less and a mostly rainy season. This is where we start to see declines in health and overall well-being. You may have started to eat snacks again, make your heavy comfort foods, not exercise as much and forgot to take those amazing supplements that lift you back up!
Well, this cleanse is about to get you back on track!

I have been mostly sugar free for 12 years now. Yes, that’s right, NO sugar.
And when I started, it was the best decision I had ever made though it was the toughest to kick. I first started with just a 30 day cleanse like this one. But once my body started to feel much better, I just kept it going where it barely gets the chance to sneak into my diet.

So why sugar? Sugar is the most addictive substance on the planet to kick. It is also the main culprit for mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, chronic pain and inflammation, auto immune disease, cancer, digestive issues, candida problems, skin issues and so much more. Eating sugar can throw you in to highs and lows of your day which can cause brain fog, irritability, loss of concentration and sleepless nights.

So what’s expected of you during this 30 day cleanse?

Starting on April 4th at 6:30pm we will either meet up in person or on zoom. We will go over everything that is required of this cleanse and any questions you may have. On Saturday April 6th is when we actually start. This will give you time to clean out the fridge and make space for healthier foods.
The cleanse will then finish on May 5th.

We will be focusing on 3 main components:

BODY: We are eliminating all processed foods, sugar, most fruits, all grains and some dairy as well as alcohol and weed * if you have a problem with that substance.
We are bringing in whole foods, slow burning carbohydrates, greens, meats, berries and healthy sweeteners.
* I will send out a personal list to everyone of do’s and don’ts plus all the “cheats” we all need to get through. I will also send out a supplement guide list and cleanse pills for deeper support.

MIND: I will also send you a daily mindfulness practice/ breath-work and expect for you to do a group check in through our facebook group (or email if you don’t have FB). This is where we can share recipes, struggles, successes and more!

SPIRIT: We will cleanse our internal and external house by two ways.

Internally by either receiving bodywork/energy work or simply going out in nature for a walk.

Externally by getting rid of “stuff” that no longer serves your life and making time to clean spaces that you have desired to be cleared.

Your commitment is to the group and yourself. No cheating, no self sabotage and no excuses just for 30 days. You can have all of the things you’ve missed after that point IF you even want it anymore.

Ready to cleanse yourself and give your body the health it deserves?

Dates we meet in person/ on zoom
April 4th at 6:30pm (start on zoom or in person)
April 18th at 6:30pm (zoom only)
May 5th at 10am in person

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Holistic Holiday Fair

Holistic Holiday Fair

Our Holistic Holiday Fair from 12-5pm here at White Pine Wellness isn’t something you want to miss!

We’ll have special bodywork services, psychic readings, local artisans for all your gift needs and snacks!
Mark it in your calendar for a day of relaxing while shopping.

Below our some of our participants:
Psychic Readings w/ Sharon McMahon
Reflexology w/ Paivi Murphy
Reiki w/ Butch Essex
Acupuncture w/ Hannah Redd

Stained Glass by Cristy Balch
Silk Robes by Christina Kasper
Herbs & Mylk
Stoned in Paradise Pottery
White Pine Wellness gifts
Wood works with Ryan
Sea Worthy Coffee Roasters
Lovewell Farms (CBD)

& much more!

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Womb Temple with Melodie Fallon

Womb Temple with Melodie Fallon

Join Melodie for a slow evening unwinding into the well of our wombs.

Womb massage is ancient accessible medicine to help bring balance to our reproductive systems. These tools are safe, effective and invite deeper relationship with your womb space.

We’ll be learning simple techniques to bring into everyday ritual womb care and the effects include increased fertility, uterine alignment, decreased pain and so much more that she’s looking forward to sharing!

The evening will begin with a plant meditation to support us into a deep receptive space and reflection.

There will be time for sharing your current relationship and expressing areas you’d like to deepen your connection.

About the Teacher: Melodie Fallon

Melodie has been offering bodywork for 10 years and within the past 5 turning her heart towards reproductive health and supporting women through fertility, pregnancy, birth & postpartum. She studied at the Gaia School of Healing from which she weaves the power of plants and ritual into all her offerings. Her studies for womb health and massage have been from Homprang in Thailand learning traditional womb lifting & Dr.Rosita Arvigo learning Abdominal Massage in the Maya tradition.

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Native Plants 2/3

Native Plants 2/3

Gardening as Meditation Workshop Series Part 2/3:

Native Plants


Connecting to Nature, Connecting to Ourselves

Cassidy the owner of Native Edible Designs leads part two of the 3 part series…Have you ever found yourself in awe of the beauty of a monarch butterfly, the song of a Chickadee or the serenity of a deer? Our most memorable and meditative moments in nature often include interactions with insects, birds and animals. Native plants provide habitat and food for these friends, allowing us to have a deeper connection to them and ourselves. In this workshop we will discuss how to create native habitats in our own backyards and communities to create a positive ripple effect that reaches far beyond ourselves.

When: Thursday, August 10 from 6pm - 7:30pm

Where: White Pine Wellness

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For the Witches: Broom and Salve making class with Soul Reading

For the Witches: Broom and Salve making class with Soul Reading

Discover the secrets of traditional Witchcraft by spending a day with us at Herbs & Mylk in N. Kingstown for some fun crafting and sacred truths!

Jeanette, owner of Herbs and Mylk, will lead everyone through how to make their own Witches broom for Halloween followed by a step by step guide on how to make your own Healing Salve that you can then take home!
Off to the side, Sarah, an intuitive reader, will be doing Soul Readings for each participant touching on what your higher consciousness and guides want you to know during this time!

12-3pm Please click on this button to register and save your spot!

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Gardening 101

Gardening 101

Gardening as Meditation Workshop Series Part 3/3: Gardening 101


Dirty your Hands, Clear your Mind

Are you interested in practicing meditation, but have felt that stillness is a challenge? Many of us think of meditation as sitting in stillness, however movement is actually integral in many forms of meditation. Gardening is one way to practice moving meditation. In this workshop we will learn about how connecting with our outdoor spaces provides a sense of peace, and both physical and mental health benefits. Cassidy Need (owner of Native Edible Designs) will lead us in proper planting techniques as we get our hands dirty. You will go home with a perennial plant to continue practicing your planting meditation in your own yard.

When: Friday, September 15 from 6pm - 7:30pm

Where: White Pine Wellness

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Full Moon Sound Healing with Reiki

Full Moon Sound Healing with Reiki

Sarah, Cassidy and Paul will be using crystal bowls, chimes, guitar, hand pans, voice and other percussive instruments to bring a uniquely guided sound healing and meditative experience!
Additionally, Sarah will be walking around doing Reiki on individuals in the session. Reiki is a universal life force energy that can help in moving stagnant energy through the body at a quicker pace!

Please come in comfy clothing, bring a blanket or a yoga mat, and some water. .

**This event is limited to 15 participants. To reserve your spot, please sign up and Venmo Sarah (@whitepinewellnessri) $35 ASAP.**

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Awakening the Divine Human with Kiara Windrider
to Jul 29

Awakening the Divine Human with Kiara Windrider

Awakening the Divine Human with Kiara Windrider

Intro with Kiara on July 28 from 6-8:30pm $40

Full day retreat on July 29 from 10-4pm $180

Join us at one or both!

We are entering into a time that mystics and prophets of many ages have referred to as a shift of the ages. This shift refers to a gateway between worlds, the emergence of a supra-mental species of humanity, of infinite creator dimensions awakening fully within the fields of matter. Much of this has to do with changes taking place within the magnetic fields of the Earth which are affecting our own physical, emotional and mental bodies. We will discuss these themes briefly, and then experience an initiation into a mystery school tradition known as ‘ilahinoor’, a hands-on technique which quickly allows us to merge with our light body, thereby creating a direct access to multi-dimensional frequencies for healing, awakening, and manifesting our unique destiny on earth.

Ilahinoor refers to a universal field of ‘divine light’, and is a simple yet profound technique for unifying with the higher self. During this weekend training, we will learn to access and transmit these energies through an understanding of brain physiology and soul psychology. We will also experience teachings and practices from the Q’ero Inka tradition, which provide direct and easy access to shamanic worlds. As we open doorways between the worlds we learn to communicate directly with the elemental worlds of nature and to experience our identity with the One Self that moves through all things, both within and beyond Creation.

The workshop will include:

  • Practices to open doorways between the upper and lower worlds

  • Alchemical practices to transform energetic blockages

  • Creating a bridge between Subconscious and Superconscious levels of the mind

  • Creating energetic links between the physical, subtle and causal bodies as a preparation to merge with the lightbody

  • Using the Advaita teachings of non-duality in order to fully incarnate here on Earth.

  • Using the breath to achieve multi-dimensional mastery


Kiara Windrider is a transpersonal psychotherapist, spiritual explorer, and science researcher. His own journey includes Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga, Kashmiri Shaivism, Egyptian mysteries, Inka shamanism, and a healing system he has developed known as Ilahinoor. He is also deeply interested in the journey of planetary transformation from the perspectives of science, ancient history and galactic cycles. He is the author of Gaia Luminous, Homo Luminous, Issa Son of the Sun, and Mirjan Daughter of the Moon.

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Growing your own medicine 1/3

Growing your own medicine 1/3

Gardening as Meditation Workshop Series Part 1 of 3: Growing Your Own Medicine

$35.00 or all 3 classes for $90

Nature’s Medicine Cabinet

Join Cassidy from Native Edible Designs In Workshop 1 where we discussed the health benefits of finding peace & stillness in your garden. This workshop will focus on the medicinal benefits of an array of the plants that grow in this area. We will engage all of our senses to connect with these plants and learn how they can nourish and heal us. To identify some common medicinal herbs we will take a stroll around White Pine Wellness’ beautiful grounds. Sustainable harvesting and growing techniques will also be discussed. This workshop will include creating your own custom herbal tea blend!

When: Thursday, July 13 from 6pm - 7:30pm

Where: White Pine Wellness

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Micro-Dosing 101

Micro-Dosing 101

Ever wonder what all the hype is about micro-dosing mushrooms? From famous athlete’s to your average co-worker how is it actually helping? Doesn’t it make you trip? How will it make me feel?

Well, This 2 hour class will break down all of your questions and have definitive answers!

With a couple special guest speakers we will cover:

  • The brief history of Mushrooms and stigmas attached to it

  • What science has proved micro-dosing helps with and where further research is taking us…

  • Contra-indications

  • The in’s and outs of how and when to take a micro-dose

  • Therapy and micro-dosing

  • Herbal stacking (and with other mushrooms) for greater benefits

  • Q and A

Note: We will NOT be covering maco-dosing at all.

Come join us for an evening discussing a fungi that is close to our hearts!

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In Touch: A Couples Workshop

In Touch: A Couples Workshop

In touch: A Couple’s Workshop
From 6-9pm
$250 per couple
Including mocktails and dessert

Its not just about the amount of time you spend together but the quality of the time spent. 

The way we communicate is the foundation of our relationships. This includes the way we touch, express our needs and share power. 

To maintain the balance of polarity we must first create safety, curiosity and intimacy.  

In this workshop we will touch upon tangible ways to add value to our touch, deepen our communication and infuse joy into the everyday- we are going to laugh and play while we tackle some of the most common ways couples block their own happiness. 

So come join a holistic therapist, Jessica Martin, and an advanced bodyworker, Sarah Daigle, for a very intimate evening on ‘getting in touch’ with your partner. 


 - Teaching touch through Thai massage techniques 

 - Tools on communication and how to break down the barriers 

- Simple phrases to deepen intimacy and open communication

- Experiential exercises (play!)

- Learn ways to embody gratitude and reverence in your relationship and let go of the story of lack

 - PLUS: A romantic little space to eat Dessert and drink Mock-tails  

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Ancient Cupping Class

Ancient Cupping Class

Are you a current bodyworker looking to add more tools to your toolbox? Maybe even to take some stress off your hands?

Well, I have a very special tool for you: The Ancient Healing art of Cupping! Found all over Eastern Asia, Cupping has been used for an array of reasons such as: detoxifying the blood, relaxing muscle spasms, creating better range of motion, mapping inflammation and so much more!

This 2 hours Foundational Class will teach you how to both use Fire and Plastic cups in a session. We will NOT be going over ‘blood letting'.’

In order to hold this course, I need at least 4 people to sign up! Please sign up to hold your spot and come have some fun with me!

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Transformational Breathwork with Kelly Doyle! (Copy) (Copy)

Transformational Breathwork with Kelly Doyle! (Copy) (Copy)

Special 2 hour Breathwork, Meditation & Kirtan led by Kelly Doyle and Sarah Daigle. Save the date!

Come for a unique, one-day workshop that can improve and uplift your entire psyche. Kelly and Sarah will explain how, through transformational breathwork, one's fears and suppressed emotions can be released, leaving us with a greater feeling of peacefulness than when we started. They will then guide the group throughout the breathing portion, and remain present if anyone needs individual assistance. This process can be repeated over time in order to enter into a greater feeling of centered awareness and joy.

Transformational breath work helps to remove old belief systems and patterns that are trapped in our subconscious. It allows old feelings that are under the surface to come up so we can better handle them in a safe and supported environment. In return, this allows us to live a more present and joyous life journey.

further Benefits include:

• Increased physical well-being

• Increases oxygenation throughout the body

• Improves energy levels

• Stimulates circulation

• Balances the flow of energy through the body

• Resolves addictions

• Improves well-being for many conditions and ailments such as Stress Reduction, Respiratory ailments, Headaches, Low energy, Psychosomatic illnesses, Anaerobic diseases, and many others.

Cost $40

Kelly Doyle, MA, LCMHC

Kelly is a Licensed, Certified Mental Health Counselor, Transformational Breathwork facilitator, Sound and Meditation teacher, Releasement therapist, and Shaman practitioner.

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Full Moon Sound Healing (Copy) (Copy)

Full Moon Sound Healing (Copy) (Copy)

Sarah, Cassidy and Paul will be using crystal bowls, chimes, guitar, hand pans, voice and other percussive instruments to bring a uniquely guided sound healing and meditative experience!

Please come in comfy clothing, bring a blanket or a yoga mat, and some water. All participants must wear a mask.

**This event is limited to 15 participants. To reserve your spot, please sign up and Venmo Sarah (@whitepinewellnessri) $35 ASAP.**

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Transformational Breathwork with Kelly Doyle! (Copy)

Transformational Breathwork with Kelly Doyle! (Copy)

Special 2 hour Breathwork, Meditation & Kirtan led by Kelly Doyle and Sarah Daigle. Save the date!

Come for a unique, one-day workshop that can improve and uplift your entire psyche. Kelly and Sarah will explain how, through transformational breathwork, one's fears and suppressed emotions can be released, leaving us with a greater feeling of peacefulness than when we started. They will then guide the group throughout the breathing portion, and remain present if anyone needs individual assistance. This process can be repeated over time in order to enter into a greater feeling of centered awareness and joy.

Transformational breath work helps to remove old belief systems and patterns that are trapped in our subconscious. It allows old feelings that are under the surface to come up so we can better handle them in a safe and supported environment. In return, this allows us to live a more present and joyous life journey.

further Benefits include:

• Increased physical well-being

• Increases oxygenation throughout the body

• Improves energy levels

• Stimulates circulation

• Balances the flow of energy through the body

• Resolves addictions

• Improves well-being for many conditions and ailments such as Stress Reduction, Respiratory ailments, Headaches, Low energy, Psychosomatic illnesses, Anaerobic diseases, and many others.

Cost $40

Kelly Doyle, MA, LCMHC

Kelly is a Licensed, Certified Mental Health Counselor, Transformational Breathwork facilitator, Sound and Meditation teacher, Releasement therapist, and Shaman practitioner.

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Full Moon Sound Healing (Copy)

Full Moon Sound Healing (Copy)

Sarah, Cassidy and Paul will be using crystal bowls, chimes, guitar, hand pans, voice and other percussive instruments to bring a uniquely guided sound healing and meditative experience!

Please come in comfy clothing, bring a blanket or a yoga mat, and some water. All participants must wear a mask.

**This event is limited to 10 participants. To reserve your spot, please sign up and Venmo Sarah (@whitepinewellnessri) $35 ASAP.**

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Transformational Breathwork with Kelly Doyle! (Copy)

Transformational Breathwork with Kelly Doyle! (Copy)

Special 2 hour Breathwork, Meditation & Kirtan led by Kelly Doyle and Sarah Daigle. Save the date!

Come for a unique, one-day workshop that can improve and uplift your entire psyche. Kelly and Sarah will explain how, through transformational breathwork, one's fears and suppressed emotions can be released, leaving us with a greater feeling of peacefulness than when we started. They will then guide the group throughout the breathing portion, and remain present if anyone needs individual assistance. This process can be repeated over time in order to enter into a greater feeling of centered awareness and joy.

Transformational breath work helps to remove old belief systems and patterns that are trapped in our subconscious. It allows old feelings that are under the surface to come up so we can better handle them in a safe and supported environment. In return, this allows us to live a more present and joyous life journey.

further Benefits include:

• Increased physical well-being

• Increases oxygenation throughout the body

• Improves energy levels

• Stimulates circulation

• Balances the flow of energy through the body

• Resolves addictions

• Improves well-being for many conditions and ailments such as Stress Reduction, Respiratory ailments, Headaches, Low energy, Psychosomatic illnesses, Anaerobic diseases, and many others.

Cost $40

Kelly Doyle, MA, LCMHC

Kelly is a Licensed, Certified Mental Health Counselor, Transformational Breathwork facilitator, Sound and Meditation teacher, Releasement therapist, and Shaman practitioner.

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Digestive and Abdominal Support: A yoga workshop with live music

Digestive and Abdominal Support: A yoga workshop with live music

Digestive and Abdominal Support: A Yoga Workshop with Live music.

This 2 hour workshop is designed to get you connected back to your abdominals and digestive track.
The core stores a lot of stress, anxiety and depression. When we go to this epicenter of stored energy we are able to move it through a lot quicker with the use of different techniques!
Incorporating muscular work for the abdominals, yogic movements that aide in proper digestion, further stretches that release the lower back, breathwork that helps to dive us deeper into the emotional patterns and a lovely sound healing experience towards the end!

I hope you join Paul and I for an exceptionally deep class!

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   Full Moon Sound Healing  Sarah, Cassidy and Paul will be using crystal bowls, chimes, guitar, hand pans, voice and other percussive instruments to bring a uniquely guided sound healing and meditative experience!  Please come in comfy clot

Untitled Event

Full Moon Sound Healing

Sarah, Cassidy and Paul will be using crystal bowls, chimes, guitar, hand pans, voice and other percussive instruments to bring a uniquely guided sound healing and meditative experience!

Please come in comfy clothing, bring a blanket or a yoga mat, and some water. All participants must wear a mask.

**This event is limited to 15 participants. To reserve your spot, please sign up and Venmo Sarah (@whitepinewellnessri) $35 ASAP.**

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Transformational Breathwork with Kelly Doyle!

Transformational Breathwork with Kelly Doyle!

Special 2 hour Breathwork, Meditation & Kirtan led by Kelly Doyle and Sarah Daigle. Save the date!

Come for a unique, one-day workshop that can improve and uplift your entire psyche. Kelly and Sarah will explain how, through transformational breathwork, one's fears and suppressed emotions can be released, leaving us with a greater feeling of peacefulness than when we started. They will then guide the group throughout the breathing portion, and remain present if anyone needs individual assistance. This process can be repeated over time in order to enter into a greater feeling of centered awareness and joy.

Transformational breath work helps to remove old belief systems and patterns that are trapped in our subconscious. It allows old feelings that are under the surface to come up so we can better handle them in a safe and supported environment. In return, this allows us to live a more present and joyous life journey.

further Benefits include:

• Increased physical well-being

• Increases oxygenation throughout the body

• Improves energy levels

• Stimulates circulation

• Balances the flow of energy through the body

• Resolves addictions

• Improves well-being for many conditions and ailments such as Stress Reduction, Respiratory ailments, Headaches, Low energy, Psychosomatic illnesses, Anaerobic diseases, and many others.

Cost $40

Kelly Doyle, MA, LCMHC

Kelly is a Licensed, Certified Mental Health Counselor, Transformational Breathwork facilitator, Sound and Meditation teacher, Releasement therapist, and Shaman practitioner.

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Full Back Release: Yoga workshop with Live music

Full Back Release: Yoga workshop with Live music

Full Back Release: Yoga Workshop with Live music
6-7:30pm :: $35

Working off our first workshop- If we further understand the central nervous system we get that it is the center line of the body from the brain all the way down the spine. So let’s work the spine next!
What causes back pain and how you find relief?

This class is meant to educate you (through first hand experience) on how your spine responds to what it does on a regular basis and what exactly it’s effected by! We are going to dive in a bit deeper this time so get ready!

This is a yoga inspired workshop incorporating deep stretching of the hamstrings and IT bands, abdominal work to support the spine and digestive track and yogic sequencing that is dedicated to mobilizing the spine! You’ll leave completely relaxed, renewed and full of helpful tools! PLUS we’ll have some incredible LIVE music to guide us through our practice with a little ending in sound healing to really ceil in the class!

Info on the leaders:

Sarah has been a yoga instructor for 17 years, in fact that’s where her whole journey began. Her background is heavy in yoga therapeutics, working the center core of the body, acro yoga,  breath work and meditation. 

Paul is a professional drummer who is a part of the sound healing crew during the Full moon gatherings here at White Pine. His background is heavy in Jazz but is well versed in so many areas. With an array of hand pans and other magical instruments, he brings something unique to any sound healing/yogic experience.

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'Feeling Through Food' Cooking Series

'Feeling Through Food' Cooking Series

‘Feeling Through Food’ Cooking class is a monthly gathering in person or via Zoom where we will be watching and/or assisting in making an array of foods with once of Rhode Island’s finest chef’s!

What you will get:
- A pdf file on how to make the dish we are learning with all the instructions
- A live video recording sent to you after the class
- An opportunity for tons of Questions and Answers
- A place to share laughs and have fun!
- If you are in person with us, we will be indulging in said food once it’s prepared so please come with an empty stomach!

April’s Class:
What we will be making... Pasta!

Pasta made fresh by hand hits different. Something about the smell of the dough, the process of gently incorporating ingredients and rolling it in your hands is pure satisfaction and gratitude. From a simple recipe we can learn to incorporate other ingredients in our pasta dough such as spinach, lemon and pepper, or even squid ink!

We will start with a basic pasta and go over how and when to add other ingredients if you please.

We will be preparing our pasta with one of my favorite sauces Pantelleria! Pantelleria can be very versatile and paired with any number of dishes. We will be preparing this sauce raw, meaning we do not cook any ingredients but rather blend them all together and simply toss the hot pasta in and enjoy. (Like a pesto!) This allows our taste buds to capture each individual flavor across our whole pallet at once. Which is an experience we do not often get to have. This can trigger many pleasure feeling, allowing the body to relax more and enjoy each bite to its fullest. When eating in a state of joy and relaxation the most important outcome is that our body's can absorb nutrients more easily.

In person: $75 includes dinner
or $145 for two!
Via Zoom: $55

"About the Chef, Samantha”

Samantha is a self taught chef with 15 years experience in professional kitchens (including Narragansett’s finest Coast Guard House). She strives to cook each dish she makes with care keeping the person eating it in mind.
From Samantha, “In a restaurant setting, I often do not get to see the people eating the food, but it is my greatest pleasure seeing clean plates come back. I have wanted to teach my skills for some time now and working with Sarah to make this dream happen is so exciting and I am eager to share my passion with curious minds.
This class is truly for anyone. I do not believe anyone who says "I can't cook" and I especially do not believe when someone says "I don't like that" I urge anyone who has said both to anything food related to MAKE IT YOURSELF! And I am here to help with that. I learned to cook from FEELING. Using all of my senses to know when something is done, or what it may need. Cooking is truly an act of passion and I wish to teach people how to slow down and tune into the food you make using all of your senses.”

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   Full Moon Sound Healing  Sarah, Cassidy and Paul will be using crystal bowls, chimes, guitar, hand pans, voice and other percussive instruments to bring a uniquely guided sound healing and meditative experience!  Please come in comfy clot

Untitled Event

Full Moon Sound Healing

Sarah, Cassidy and Paul will be using crystal bowls, chimes, guitar, hand pans, voice and other percussive instruments to bring a uniquely guided sound healing and meditative experience!

Please come in comfy clothing, bring a blanket or a yoga mat, and some water. All participants must wear a mask.

**This event is limited to 15 participants. To reserve your spot, please sign up and Venmo Sarah (@whitepinewellnessri) $35 ASAP.**

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Intuitive Painting & Meditation Workshop

Intuitive Painting & Meditation Workshop

Join Nicole of Halcyon Heroine at beautiful and serene White Pine Wellness, where you will create healing art using the loving and calming energy of Rose Quartz as part of your very own Meditation Kit! A wonderful and relaxing way to spend a Saturday afternoon, you’ll experience a renewed sense of connection, creativity, and inspiration. Complimentary tea, a cozy fireplace, a beautiful greenhouse, and comfy Meditation Pillows will be available for us to use while we meditate, paint, and relax in community together.

Opening Energy-clearing Meditation

Your own Meditation Kit including
* Rose Quartz Crystal Stone
* Selenite Wand
* Tealight Candle
* Template for Intuitive Painting, pre-drawn on high-quality watercolor paper
* Bio about the Healing Properties of Rose Quartz
* Instructions for using your kit for Focus Meditation
* Recycled Kraft Paper Box with Cotton Filling to house your kit

-Access to a variety of high-quality watercolor paints, brushes, and other materials needed to create a painting for your kit
-Guidance on how to tune into the stone to inspire your creativity, as well as the time and space to release, let go, and create your own painting
-A guided Focus Meditation using the elements of your kit
-Time to connect with yourself or with friends in a supportive, inviting space!

This is an inclusive event and any and everyone is welcome! No previous painting or art experience is necessary. All painting supplies will be provided for use during the workshops so just bring your beautiful self and an open mind and heart. You’ll leave with your own complete Meditation Kit, a beautiful connection to a community of mindful folks, and the tools to inspire your own Meditation practice!

$75/per person
Limited space available so book now to hold your spot!

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The in's and out's on how to stop burn out: for Bodyworkers

The in's and out's on how to stop burn out: for Bodyworkers

The Ins and Outs on how to stop burnout: For Bodyworkers

If you are a bodyworker of any kind, you may have thought about what would happen when you reach burn out… or maybe you’re already there.

It’s something we all think about: the longevity of our passion/purpose.

This workshop is designed to help identify when you’re getting to a burn out state, how to implement tools on how to never get to that point, how to tap into your inspiration and tips on healthy boundaries within your business model. 

Sarah has been a serious bodyworker for 12 years and in the holistic field for 17. Her background is well rounded in managing studios, co-owning a yoga center and now owning white pine wellness LLC. Within her background, she has taken courses on how to better maintain her energy so she can have the longevity of her purpose.

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