Continuing Education for 2025
All of these courses are either 1- 2 day trainings and offer a certificate upon completion.
You must have a background in bodywork in order to enter a continuing education class.
If you have questions about a course, please email Sarah directly at whitepinewellnessri@gmail.com
“From the moment she said hello, I felt relaxed. Her teaching techniques were perfectly delivered. She gave each and every one of us our undivided attention.” —June 2024 student
Jaw, Neck & Shoulder Release ::ONE DAY
Feb 23rd from 10-3pm $190
Do you have clients that need more focused work on their Jaw due to TMJ or chronic headaches? Rather than assisting the jaw and releasing it from the inside of the mouth, we are going to take a much different approach.
Working from the shoulder blade, to the scalines and up through the head and jaw.. this class with blow your mind with plenty of techniques to integrate and ways to empower clients with self-care tips.
“My clients love the techniques that I’ve learned and I plan to continue my education here.” —June 2024 student
Explorative Flow Thai Massage Class ::ONE DAY
April 26th 10-3pm $190
This is for the Thai Massage Practitioner that has been practicing for quite some time and needs to get out of their normal routine. Come explore out-side-of-the-box flows that will leave you feeling inspired and refreshed going back to your practice!
Hands Free Thai Massage Class ::TWO DAY
July 26th and 27th from 10-3pm $380
As bodyworkers, we always think about the longevity of our hands so let’s begin to explore a practice without the use of them!
Think of how it would feel to “read the skin” through your elbows, knees and feet with confidence.
This class will give you plenty of techniques to give you a more balanced practice while giving your hands the proper break they deserve.
Intro to Cupping ::ONE DAY
April 18th from 10-2pm $180
Cupping is a healing modality that has been used in every culture for hundreds of years. From breaking up scar tissue and reducing inflammation to using cupping as a mapping system to blockages.. There is a list of benefits and things to treat and endless ways of incorporating cupping into your practice.