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Cacao & Ancestral Reverence with Alexa Iya Soro

This is a half day retreat of celebration & exploration of the power Ancestral reverence & plant allyship. Alexa & Melissa will guide you into resourcing your ancestral lineage connection through cacao ceremony, altar ritual, sound activation, & guided imagery. Your healing path will include education in epigenetics, how to create an ancestor altar & spirit plate, & daily practices for connection.

We will give voice to forgotten stories in dialogue. Support from singing, movement, & ritual will broaden the foundation of ancestral connection through our own bodies. Each celebrant will go home with a map of ancestral connection, the beginning to your ancestor altar & several online resources to continue their healing journey.

What will be included in the day retreat:

Cacao Ceremony

Harmonium Chant & Sound Activation

Ancestor Altar & Spirit Plate Crafting

Anishinaabe Education on Plant Allyship & Directions

Ancestral Meditation Four Lineage Lines

Embodiment Practices

Epigenetic Information

Google Drive Document

Documentary Resources

Co-hosted by Melissa Mello of Fern Hearth

Participants will go home with the following:

Access to Google document with several online Resources for free ancestral research

access to epigenetics

BBC documentary

A Map of ancestral patterns

Altar items to start home Altar & ancestor plate


November 19

Full Moon Ceremony (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)

December 12

Holistic Holiday Fair