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30 Days to Presence

Feb 6th at 8:30am starts 

30 days of Awakening 

30 days, 30 minutes, $44 

Have you ever desired a meditation routine to start off your day but everything seems to get in your way? 

I hear you! 

It’s hard to hold accountability when it’s just you, your house and your laundry list of things to do! How could you ever make time when you need it? 

Well my friends, I got just the thing for you! I’d like you to join me for 30 days- yes, 30 days- for ONLY 30 minutes to dive inside that mind of yours! 

Let’s start as a support group experimenting with different styles of meditations and affirmations to bring stress and anxiety levels down to find deeper peace in our lives. 

You can keep your sound and video camera off if you’d like on our Zoom call- Just showing up each day is of greater importance here! 

After the 30 days is over, it’s up to you to keep your practice going but this support group will get the gears turning in the right direction! 

Only $44, sign ups begin now and we start Feb 6th at 8:30am! Zoom link will be sent once registered

January 1

30 Days to Presence

February 17

Energetic Boundaries 101