energy work.


What is it: We are energetic beings that are constantly feeling out our surroundings. Starting at an early age, we react and respond to these surroundings in a variety of ways! And from this information we've gathered we develop old belief systems, hold on to traumas, old injuries and get stuck in old narratives about how we should be living our lives. Because we mostly internalize our experiences and emotions, they can get stuck in the body that then creates discomfort, fogginess, depression, anxiety and a number of dis-eases.



What it looks like: To find clarity, closure, acceptance and compassion Sarah guides you through an intuitive approach. This includes Reiki, Shamanic healing and Integrative Breath- work. It can be done all in its own session or combined with Thai Bodywork. Depending on your personal needs, we'll guide appropriately...

What it’s good for: Energy healing can help release any blockages, whether they’re physical or emotional.